Hamayun brother, you deserve my utmost respect the way you are enlightening all of us with your time and efforts.
However, with the highest regard, I do have to disagree on the statement Political Scoring and Political Motive. I would like to be corrected by an informed person like you, can we ever realistically specify development projects by ignoring political and governance aspects? I have been wondering as a genuine enquirer:
Did political and governance mismanagement not ruined a fantastic project?
Is there any concrete step/action on RRR scam report before reverting back to old alignment?
Why old alignment that was cursed as bad and corruption filled is now the ultimate choice?
Brotherly apologies for being naive here but if we bombard the readers with all technical details and simply overlook the ground realities because it doesn’t fit our agenda, arent we unfair to those readers to put in their money and realising that only half the truth was told?
We all know, with all these hypes without discussing governance aspects people did invest in billions, sarkar bouth land worth billions and we stand at Sqaure-1 after 2 odd years of mess. RRR is being sold for 5 years now, without voicing our opinions and just focus on
which societies will benefit, who will be winner sort narrative when development starts etc. doesnt guarantee best public interest!
I have been saying, I will have to say it again, unless we the people have open debates on the Technical, Governance Financial side of the project we are only preferring the bit that is half truth and half truths rarely serve any body!
BTW welcome to @isloo1 !!