Rawalpindi Ring Road

Bahria Town to NUST travel time after Ring Road? Any guess?

That depends on which Phase and assuming it's NUST H-12 Campus

As per the proposed alignment (tentative), that may change

1. T-Chowk connection to main RRR: 9 KM (straight, signal free) Phase 8 may or may not get a better connection to RRR then that.

2. RRR Connection Point to Thalian: 16 KM approx.

3. Thalian to Haji Camp: 12 KM

Approx Distance (T-Chowk to Haji Camp to H-12) =
9 + 16 + 12 + Haji Camp to H-12

Rest from there as usual route to any of the NUST gates, the one on Police Lines (Luqman Avenue) may become closer.

The approximate distance, as per proposed alignment is as above. One can do the math based on Travel Speed in KM/H + Traffic during Rush Hours. More then distance what matters is reduced travel time due to signal free, and hassle free,

If and whenever that happens...

Thanks for the answer Imtiaz. I wonder why you are so hated and get so many downvotes.

Welcome Kholaris,

Best is to keep sharing, learning, and collective enlightenment in a community-driven disussion. There will always be (individual) frustrated 'Mouse-Click-Pundits' who seek an egoistic massage with left-clicks on red marks. Compels me to write even more :)

Just to illustrate, how this red/green endorsement works: From my single account I have added 10 greens and 1 red click to your post above, under 10 seconds. Now we know how the individual attached to solid end of a mouse can seek pleasure, in a virtual world ... :)

Dear imtiaz and Abdul Qayyum

Can you please share where RRR will touch G.T Road, either it will be opposite Quaid-e-Azam Hospital (the entrance of I-14) or somewhere else? The area is densely populated already. It have to avoid sectors I-14, I-15 etc. Pindi side of these sectors is highly populated then Koh-e-noor mills and for other side (EME college side) of I-14, RRR has to pass through CDA sectors. I wonder where they are going to pass it to G.T road.

Approximate Layout:


Where to G.T. Road?

Dhamiyal -- Girja -- Touching the Outskirt of of I-15 & I-16 (the area that touches I-15/I-16 with RDA jurisdiction, i.e., FOECHS/CBR). Link to G.T. Somewhere from FOECHS to IJP to Haji Camp (outer part of I-16/15/14, +/- 5KM link).

Touches intersection of I-16/I-15 but not passing through any of them. Just before any of that chunk of I-series (CDA part), it has a small patch from within RDA area to Haji Camp. Starting from Channi Bridge, it never enters into any of that CDA designated sectors (Residential area but only touching from outside as detailed above).

* not definitive but as per initial blueprints an most likely to happen.

Thanks imtiaz brother for explanation!

Here is little confusion.

As per you link image, it ending at intersection of I-15/I-16.

you explained

"Touches intersection of I-16/I-15 but not passing through any of them. Just before any of that chunk of I-series (CDA part), it has a small patch from within RDA area to Haji Camp."

there is an old single road from bhatta chowk that passes within I-14 and passes behind Kohnoor mills and touch G.T road (Peshawar road) before Quaid-e-Azam hospital. I think that is called chakra road. That is very small road, will it bear traffic of Ring road ?


I think they are micro-level details (I/Public unaware of that), and such details are being sorted at this stage like feasibility, planning and ultimately land acquisition.

For sure, RRR will have specified width and lanes. That is the challenging bit to purchase the local owned road and to make RRR passing through, rather then using existing roads just to interconnect. Any small links/routes/roads (Bhata Rd. as potential candidate) of-course will be expanded/reconstructed/merged as and into the Ring Road.

Here is what you asked:
I explained before somewhere on zameen
Imtiaz SB also explained.
There are 4 phases and under consideration is 34 km up to Thalian.
But the good thing is that Imran govt approved for any society having a prescribed amount of land, can make flyover or underpass on any road even motorways.
After completion this flyover will be highway property but maintenance still with the society.


@ AQ

Our Guru can you share your thoughts on the chances that will this project start in this govt or the next one?

Earlier, This year March was the starting date but nothing happened at all.

Zarkon Sb.
--RDA people are filling pockets by societies to start RRR as early as possible as billions are down the line to be minted from buyers for their dead properties.
--Army is behind this project on safety reasons
--Chinese are ready to finance the project if needful
--It is highly likely that we see midterm elections and even if not, PTI needs seats even if it only gets opening ceremony. Completion may take years!
--New jail, medical city, CBR, airport ....you name it I got it, are beneficiaries.
--If Ch Abdul Majid has got assured of an RRR access to his societies, he will open his bank account to whoever put execution sign on RRR.
--EIGHTERN Islamabad, CBR...All societies can get access by doing flyover as per the new laws of NHA
--Traffic causing havoc for the for DHAs and BTs residents and it is another reason, RRR must be materialized.
-- BT's phase8 Sector E, Fs, G started already appreciating amid dead real estate buying/selling market.
I am not saying all what I mentioned are on the RRR but link roads are possible in 2nd/3rd/4th phase of RRR and Pakistan all is possible, sir G
-- RDA has already calculated money piles to their pockets...see the very first buying regarding RRR prerequisites...mind boggling...they are dying to get hold on RRR.
-- Patwaris are in the field for land acquisition, demarcation has been done.
-- I do not think it is going to be scrapped, rather I am seeing earth moving machinery in near future , In Shaa Allah

It is highly likely that we see midterm elections and even if not,

AQ sb, not easy for any government to do this much courage of taking over at this stage, criticising is easy but do they have any plan of correcting it other then transfering money in Faluda walla account to do business, already very bitter decissions took by PTI govt, patwaris and zardaris only crying to cover the charges against them, if today they let them go out of country and loosen up the cases, every thing will be fine.
Its just diverting attentions, nothing else,

You are right Suhail sb but Maoulee Fazul can gather 1000s of illiterates from Madaris and Nawaz and Zardari alongwith with their filthy beneficiaries can pay even Rs 1,000 and more each to make mobs in every city.
They can even plan blasts inside mobs, can feed them forever to engineer situations to topple Imran govt.
But you are right, Imran had legitimate cause, whether or not He could succeed, populace believes that Imran is last hope.
But I am afraid even army will feel incapacitated if these clowns stick together and bring lacs of people on streets!
I personally think Imran will succeed In Shaa Allah.
Otherwise we are at the mercy of siblings and a pitch dark era is ahead of us!

Well said AQ sab.


AQ sb, the tragedy with this nation is the hypocrite lot at the top, in the past and now...

"Imran Khan asking Pakistanis to Send Money through Hundi, not through Banks"


Hundi = Illegal (Risky for Sender and Country) + Killer for Economy/Banking/Local Currency

I personally think PMLn/PPP and other pro democratic forces should not plan to bring down PTI government. These Youthias will be slapping each other in next 2-3 months. Just wait for 1st June, when petrol will go up again by 12 to 18 Rps per liter and then wait for the budget.

We PMLn people should just chill and relax and keep reminding these chotiyas that where is Naya Pakistan ;)

math is very simple , either to pay high prices now with difficulty or enjoy the subsidies by keeping fake economy and keep taking loans, one day or the other the balloon has to blast... so why not now.
The corrupt mafia doesn't have any miracle to change the things around other then keep taking loans and keep giving subsidies. Once the game is out of control then run away to London (their real home country)
Usman Dar yesterday asked one simple question on a TV Chanel from the lady of PMLN that don't talk much just "tell us one sector which was making profit in their last 3 tenures and is not in loss".. the lady was not able to say a single sector in profit....Imagine...
They have no shame still that they are talking and making moulvis and Ghadars as their weapons to dis-stabilize the countries for saving their sins with the nation and the country.

Apologies, off-topic but on-discussion.

Just 1 example from the lot ...

Category A, Ultra Nationalist & One of the Commandment In-Chief of Anti-corruption & Architect of Naya Pakistan. Let me introduce, the Legend himself:

- Meet the PTI minister who purchased over a dozen luxurious properties in London


** Being an Architect of Naya Pakistan, he is not the 'London Home Stuff'

- Master of Baynami

Meet the minister who kept Rs465 millions’ properties in his servant’s name


- Urging Nation to Boycott Imported Stuff & Burn Dollars while Driving an Imported Sports Car


"Imran Khan asking Pakistanis to Send Money through Hundi, not through Banks"


** Being the Master of the Architects of Naya Pakistan, he is not the Ghaddar for incitement against the state


These guys were supposed to go to office on the bicycles, as soon as getting into power (as per the claim) ... Each single self-boosting, Ghaddari distributing claim falling straight back on hypocrites' (Ministers and Power Elites) big mouths

Enough said!

Two wrong don't make a right,
The justification of that he did wrong so why catching me is baseless.
The good is that accountability started and should continue.
the bad is they still don't have answer if they made any sector profitable during their three tenures. why the money was kept in Faluda accounts.
this will not work to count the faults of new government to justify old crimes.

Sohail Bhai Agreed! Totally & 100% and by that logic wrong must be wrong and right as right! If the previous lot was corrupt/ghaddar, on same criteria the current one must also be evaluated.

Same applies when any current Govt. that curses previous ones to get into power and then justify each failure on the basis of past criteria.

Previous lot was power/financial corrupt, so is the current one. By the way, we know how our media works. Calling a random political lady and asking about technicalities is pretty much same as asking Buzdar of Punjab Admin Reforms so far or Asking Vawda about employment vision... Do we believe what these clueless people say or don't is actually the reality?

Believe only on SBP, bureau of Statistics data and documents presnented in NA & Senate.

If real accountability has been started then such guys would have already behind the bars much earlier. As they say change and accountability starts from the ruling ones and from the top! Will NAB even be able to send a notice to this guy clarify, let alone proceed.

Justifying new faults on the benchmark of old crimes doesn't work either...

Equally, as the old saying goes: "The Fish Starts to Rot from it's Head"