@basil tariq whats the source?
I dont think its possible.
They cant complete under-constrution margala ave, how they can even think of a whole new project in the same area.
These all are speculations
@Cabinet fan - it is possible if they "want" to do it, they will do it :-). Look at Orange line, metro or any other projects.
The issue with Margalla Avenue is of the "will" to complete it otherwise it would have been easy for them
Is the revised layout plan approved by CDA? or NOT?
Its much different from that on CDA website.
Ultimately a road passing in between F-17 and E-17 will connect Zone 2 with Zone 1 directly inshaAllah. This will be a game changer for Cabinet and Multi Telegarden.
What is your source of info? @ pardesi
If wishes were horses, then “cabinet plot owners” would ride!
The road is Blue Area Jinnah Avenue extension project. Ultimately Blue Area road will definitely go straight into Zone 2 and then airport. That’s part of the current plans if you Check with CDA but no budget allocation yet. When this happens this road will run in between F-17 and E-16/17.
Despite all odds construction activity is picking up with every passing day.
This is awesome. …
This is good. Can create a good demand for more commercial units to open up. It was bound to happen especially after Tarnol expansion so slowly kicking in
The construction is going on but with so slow pace that the society further needs 2 to 3 years to increase in prices.let hope if NIIA bring some change of betterment.
Why const. Activity is slow here?
May be because society isnt constructing mmosque/part/street lights/main gate etc?
You ate right, cabinet fan. If the management does a little bit of work this great location will witness lots of construction activity at an accelerated pace. Putting up street lights, completing and beautifying the main entrance and underground electric cabling work will trigger a boom and as a result this society will surpass the neighbouring societies as cabinet happens to have a big locational edge.
They are installing street lights already.
Ohh really? @ Chaudhry
This is quite encouraging news & can be a turning factor for cabinet
Which part of society are they starting with? or have already started installing?
200% its sure that there is no underground water in E-17 , E-16. Do not recommend it for investment purposes, With Grace of Allah I came out from this sector safely, Please do not invest in this complete dry (no underground water) Sectors. I did bore for home construction but no water. The society bring the truck fitted bore machine and pay them 7 lacs to find water, but there were no water underground. Then how this incompetent management will bring water in pipes from some where else is laughable.
Sundaymar river passes through the society I wonder why there is no underground water despite of close vicinity of the dam. …
Believe me brother Million, i am not making any sort of propaganda, there is no water, just for the viewer to be cautioned, the headache i pass through, i advice that no one pass. Go and ask the residents of the society.The gentle men which advising to invest may have their agenda behind. I was also came to this society by studying this forum.And gurus like pak-1 more and more favoring to invest here.My money was block here for 2.5 years and came-out from the society by saling on lost.