Dear All,
I read the whole discussion other day and to be honest it is at least better than asking some estate agent.
I am amazed that people complaining about the lack of information given by DHA staff, ain't they under some oath not to give inside knowledge to the public. Isn't this mystery keeping the business of estate rolling? I guess if they keep giving the information then everyone will either start selling or keep holding their plots.
I can give you one information though. During my last visit to Pakistan in the month of October 15. I met two high ranking officials(Directors)at DHA Islamabad and as I hold a plot in Extension 2 Sector N, I just asked them a simple question "should I keep it or sell it?"
Both of them said without any hesitation to keep it. Obviously I tried to ask further questions, but they said they can't give further details, but apart from the fact to keep it. I particularly trust one person out of those two, who gave similar sort of advice to one of the person about DHA 4 plot in 2014 and he benefited from it.