Bahria Express Highway? can you elaborate plz.
Dear Hamza Bro,
May i ask you in which number series your plot is falling (i.e. From 1080 to 1090) and how much did you pay for that. I am in overseas and i have 10 Marla plot in Sector F1 (falling b/w 1080 - 1090), just want to evaluate my investment.
Series from 55 to 60 main blvarad back. I pay 43.75. It’s on height. 2 houses are already completed next to my plot.
Do you think investing in bahria phase 8,safari or F1, or bahria enclave is better then gulberg..?
Thank you Hamza Bro for sharing your personal info. Good luck to your investment
Sohail Zafar bahi it’s purely for living purpose, IA will start construction after Ramadan. Please pray for me that every thing goes smooth and fine.
Dear Hamza,
It's your good decision.Bahria phase8 is one of best place for living.My good wishes and lot of prayers for you.
Dear Waqas,
Bahria phase8 F1 block is one of best block.It's just my opinion Allah knows best.
@Nadeem , u need to copy and past this "Bahria phase8 is one of best place for living" everytime ...
Phase 8 is lonely planet and it is struggling as Malik Riaz focused his eyes somewhere else will take 5-10 years to become like Phase 1-6.
Apple Bahi please visit there and i think it will be best place for living inshAllah.In F1 already start construction with all basic facilities.
I agree with you MR is focusing BTK and ignoring current projects but i am really hopeful regarding phase8 inshAllah.
Janab i visited Phase 8 and there was not single shop at Phase 8 Business District and empty board still saying “Head office coming soon”. I have my own plot at F1 but i cant show dream to all. Bahria need to develop phase 8 fully …Parks r missing , water issue and might be signal issues too. One must have car otherwise it is impossible to travel to phase 8.
Apple bahi phase 8 is the only decent option for middle class families in RWP. Prices are stable and justified vs last fake hike. I think someone who spend around 100 lacs for home can afford a small car as well :)
Yes there are large empty area but still genuine buyers are coming in slow pace
The picture is very different after 5 years. One needs to keep in mind that Phase 8 is a city within a City. If I ask you any decent society with same standard and same price range in RWP ? It's nearly hard to find any. You can not compare phase 8 to phase 1 to 6 because of its huge scale. Anyway I'm still very positive about living purpose phase 8 is best special for overseas.
I don't live there so you may take my word with a grain of salt but from the looks of it, no doubt phase 8 is the best place to live. I don't think there is any other society with such high development standard and such low price tag. Right now there is no need for shops at Biz Dist as there are enough commercial venues near by. Construction activity is picking up at good pace and soon i think there will be a construction boom.
Apple, can you explain further water and signal issue?
Jasmine 5 marla 11 paid 1 lakh profit,orleander 12 paid 8 marla open 1.7 profit,daffodil 8 marla 12 paid 1.5 profit,bluebell 5 marla open 4 lakh profit,bluebell 5 marla transferable corner 3 lakh profit contact 03005167456
As all explained that the F & E blocks are best for construction, Any recommendations for the I Block? do you think it will be a good choice as prices are lower in I & H Blocks (With possession)
I was reading the comments above and found out that our overseas people really want some guidance.
Its true the development of phase 8 is going slow.But you can look into Phase 8 in 2 mind set. 1. For construction of House 2. For investment.
I think if you consider above points for investment and quick returns this probably is not a very good option as market is slow and sale and purchase is not good.
Secondly if you are thinking of constructing a house than one of the best if not the THE best option.(Although transportation is one issue if somebody visit you from ur village or person who dont have the car will think twice to visit you)
A,B,C,D,E,F safari valley all are good locations depending upon the personal choice. I will not recommend the Rafi block as there were lot of reports of cracking.
If some body wants to do a construction the contractor should be 100% reliable otherwise either construct urself or buy the already constructed house(but whats the guarantee that its a good construction). But there are reliable companies in the market which make the house for there clients and there bussiness is based on word of mouth.So they are less likely to fraud but obviously they are little expensive because they dont earn money by fraud.
Anybody wants to construct a house you guys can email me and i can suggest some companies specially for overseas guys.
Kind Regards,
@ Aj… Once the area is little populated there will be no difference between E,F,H and I Blocks. If the prices are lower in H and I , I would recommend that one should go for these blocks as they are nearer to to the main business district also…
Dear AJ,
For investment point of view F2,H,I,M and K are the best options.Especially M block will be wanted in future.
Allah knows best.
I live in Sector C, Phase 8 (personal home). Phase 8 is a wonderful place to live since more and more families are moving in. There is only 1 empty plot in my lane and 8 houses out of which 5 have families living in them and 2 are for sale. The prices are reasonable and 2 of my neighbors have put in their own houses on rent (in Sattelite Town) and living here. No issues with electricity (there have been only 2 power breakdowns for maintenance in the last 5 months I have been here), water or gas.
Ali Tahir, thanks for sharing your living experience bro and congrats on living in Ph.8. A friend on mine lives in Safari valley a couple of years ago and he told me tales of fairyland. I wish I could move there too. How about other sectors, A, B, and Bahria Greens, are they also getting populated and have full utilities (elec, gas, water). Also tell us about security arrangements.