Btw how is gardencity doing?
Does anyone know the rate of 10 marla plot?
Btw how is gardencity doing?
Does anyone know the rate of 10 marla plot?
Well…at least the commercial plots in usman block are not doing good…rather these have decresed 50% of their worth in few months…I am unable to understand the reason behind this…nadeem bhai…wats ur take on that?
It was a fake hype. It was just a bubble.
people started buying in fear in flocks. Bahria introduced hamlet at a very high price. As a result more people bought in other bahria sectors thinking they got a better deal. It was then that Malik Riaz and the smart money flee to katachi. Then again people folliwed the herd and the bubble burst. Thats an obvious reason behind the decline of Bahria.
now the true prices have reached a true level. This is called a genuine level.
now this level is good for living. But is it good for investment? My heart says NO
Dear undertaker,
I replied you another your discussion thread.
Dear Sayeein,
Bahria Garden city 3.5 to 4.5M 10 marla but better to invest in phase8 Allah is the best planner and he knows what will be the best for us.
Again i am conform phase8 is best place for living but for investment it will take time to give good return.Allah knows best.
Is the drastic decrease in usman n ali block just the tip of iceberg?....some other blocks n areas will just follow the same pattern?
is it ;fluctuation by dealers; to get the market rebound after couple of years and finally
will the rates increases from these genuine rates as sayeein has said?
if yes,will the increase gradual or in a way the sudden decrease has happened will they increase suddenly?
comments from old hands of this forum and experts will be very helpful to many new n wise investors..jazaak allah
I think you need to wait for another 5 years and then this area will see many families making their homes here. After 5 years this area will be interesting.
Prices in the suburbs will automatically attract genuine buyers towards phase 8 ,when dha 1 10 marla will go towards 2 crore bahria 50 ka to ho he jya ga,patience is in the key in property panic buying and selling from genuine buyers is a devastation,be moderate and dont take rash decisions based on these forums,here all contributors are just expressing their opinions,which are not ultimate,i know people quoting commercial downfall are just getting the prices from and bragging their intellectualism here without even having a clue of real time picture,
Totally agree with Adnan…your observation and comments are straight forward and represents the correct analysis.
I am totally agree with Adnan sab it's very true observation.It's good signs and attraction for genuine buyers.I hope within two to three years no more dealer game in phase8 because of genuine buyers are coming in.I am very confident about bright future of phase8.Allah know best and best planner he knows what will be the best for us.
Yes …I think this area will go to cold storage for few years…looks like phase 8 is not going to progress sooner…or maybe some plots will be increasing somewhere in real time picture
Before I start jumping to any quick conclusions, I would wait to see where this investigation involving Model Ayan Ali ends.
Dear Undertaker,
Prices will increase gradually but artificially.Yes it can be cold storage just for more greedy dealers but not for genuine buyers because it's the place for good living.Allah knows best.
Kashif was it a joke or you think there is some connection between that money and malik sb ??
Undertaker you are absolutely on wrong side of the equation, you have no facts to turn the cold storage on ,rather on contrary phase 8 possession area will come close or in par to F sector of DHA 1 prices, you will witness it soon , JUST WAIT FOR TIME . .
Muhammad , there definitely is a connection as the Model said that she got the "Money" from selling BTK plots....
Agree with DK, Ph 8 has all the ingredients to rise and match DHA Sector F prices...
@Muhammad. No, I do not think there was any connection between the money that she was carrying and MR whatsoever, nor did I imply that there was any.
My concern is that if this investigation into flight of capital from Pakistan and money laundering becomes widened, many important leaders may be netted, some of whom may be very close allies of MR. I am just saying its an important case and one should keep an eye on its outcome and developments.
Societies flourish when families move there which brings demands for genuine buyers.also when surrounding areas are already expensive … So there isint any way which would make phase 8 go down from here onwards and would rise at a constant steady pace from here on wards. Also i guess most of those dealers which bring fake hype have left phase 8
No offence to anybody..friends...things go up n down in any given soceiety at any particular time....I agree with dk and nadeem bhai that little time will be required for prices to increase and all those ppl who have seen phase 8 and its development know very well that phase 8 is one of the best address in twin cities in few years time...
I was just curious why depreciation occurred only in usman n ali block....nobody seems to know the reason behind ...Rest Allah knows best ....jazaak Allah
Dear Undertaker;
We must accept one thing that some times situation changes so quickly... That no one can comprehend....
I agree with u mr khan…what is ur analysis of phase 8 ?..comments from gurus like urself really help novices like me n many others…regards