The Punjab government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, has announced an expansion of its electric bike initiative, increasing the total number of bikes from 20,000 to 27,200. The program, initially launched in March, aims to provide affordable transportation to students, with a particular focus on female beneficiaries.
The Transport Department has revealed that all female students who apply for the scheme will now be eligible to receive an electric bike, marking a significant step toward empowering women through enhanced mobility.
Read: CM Maryam gives nod to 20,000 electric bikes, 657 eco-buses
Initially approved by the Punjab cabinet with a target of 20,000 electric bikes, the scheme’s scope was expanded in response to overwhelming demand. The revised allocation includes both electric and petrol-powered bikes to address diverse transportation needs.
A Transport Department spokesperson disclosed that 5,000 petrol bikes and 2,000 electric bikes have already been distributed, with plans to distribute an additional 6,500 electric bikes soon. Orphan students will receive bikes free of charge, while others can benefit from subsidized financing through the Bank of Punjab.
The program features reduced down payments of Rs. 25,000, with monthly installments set under Rs. 5,000, making it more accessible to students from low-income backgrounds. Each bike also comes with two years of insurance and service coverage to ensure reliability.
Read: Roadshow launched to promote e-bikes among Punjab student
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz highlighted the environmental benefits of electric bikes as part of a broader strategy to reduce pollution. However, challenges such as battery theft and limited mileage have prompted the inclusion of petrol-powered models in the program.
The initiative has garnered significant interest, with over 15,000 students currently on the waiting list. The Transport Department has assured that these students will be prioritized in the next phase of distribution.
By expanding this initiative, the Punjab government reaffirms its commitment to supporting education, reducing financial burdens, and addressing transportation challenges for students across the province.
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