Lahore: To assist citizens with matters related to real estate buying, selling and demarcation etc., Lahore is falling short of patwaris, a news source reported. For the 352 mouzas and 291 patwar circles, the city only has 91 patwaris.
Read: Provinces asked to clarify role of patwarkhanas in urban centres
Due to this shortage, there is heavy workload on existing patwaris. In addition to that, delays are also being seen in the related tasks these patwaris perform. Reportedly, each patwari is handling four to five mouzas at a time, leaving them to deal with additional charges and a much higher workload to manage than their due.
Read: 7,000 patwaris to be made revenue assistants
Lately, there hasn’t been new hiring carried out, while measures haven’t also been taken to fix the concerns regarding adjustments in related patwar circles.
Read: Patwaris to become part of Land Record Computerisation project
Due to shortage of patwaris, unauthorised people have also been reported to help them with related tasks in local patwarkhanas. This has led to more incidences of malpractice.
Read: Course introduced to train patwaris
As soon as there is an update on the matter, Zameen News will keep you posted; stay tuned.