In Zone 2 which options are available to buy a plot with possession to build a house right now…In 15 lac price range…
If you could increase the range to 1.8 million, you may check CDECHS for 30x60 plot
But do 30x60 plots in CDECHS have possession?
Wapda Town?
@junaid in E-16/3 you can find many 30x60 possession plots, around 20+ houses already under construction…some families started to live there…
If you want immediate construction ready plot in this budget with all facilities (water, gas, electricity, security etc.) then probably AWT is a good option. House construction has just started but I think after they open interchange next year, both prices and construction activity will shoot up. You can get a 10 marla plot in your budget.
Million$$$: Thanks for giving us the info. I was under the impression that most 30x60 don’t have possession. But if they have possession with 1.8 million cost and in E-16/3 (that is near to GT Road), then it sounds like a really good bargain.
Million bhai, I think Ali will be lucky to get a plot below 23 lacs. Prices have recently gone up slightly due to gas meters installation and Tarnol phatak expansion. Moreover, many people have taken possession of their plots and have submitted maps for construction of houses. Hopefully, you will see start of construction of 10-12 more houses in next 2-3 months. Ali, I really wish you good luck.
Go for Gulshan-e-Sehat E-18 10 marla
Yes, Rehman is right. You can get a corner plot of 10 marla in Gulshan e Sehat within your budgeted amount.
Ali is asking for options in Islamabad.
Technically speaking AWT, Wapda Town and Gulshan-e-Sehat are all outside Islamabad.
On the other hand CDECHS is inside Islamabad limits and also a CDA recognised sector of Islamabad.
In 15 lacs, the only option available with possession is Gulshan-e-Sehat, AWT and Wapda town. Out of these three Gulshan-e-Sehat is recommended.
All three options mentioned above are quite decent and would fit the budget. Gulshan e sehat has the most population, but lacks a bit on security. AWT has all the facilities & security but has relatively older infrastructure. Wapda town is still undergoing development in some parts so it has more modern infrastructure but zero house construction. Most importantly, all three are located right next to a motorway interchange so no worries about a nauseating drive on the GT Road. All depends on what the buyer is really looking for since he wants to build a house soon.
Thanx a lot to all of u for ur sincere advice. I will check Gulshan-e-sehat,awt and wapda town and see what i can get in this range .thanx again
Wapda town is a better option in your budget and keeping in view future outcomes… If you build a house other will start also. M going to start construction of my plot in April Inshallah.
In your budget TopCity-1 is a good option. Possession is likely to be given within 2-3 months.
FURQAN HAMEED…whether electricity gas and water are available in wapda town or not at present?
If interested in AWT I have a plot there which I want to sell..First make up your mind about your final choice in locality & than you can inbox me your contact details.I am the owner & not a dealer.
If interested in AWT I have a plot there which I want to sell..First make up your mind about your final choice in locality & than you can inbox me your contact details.I am the owner & not a dealer.
If you need construction then we are working in this field for several years ans would like to provide you our services. We have a wide range of design and material for your home construction. If you are interested then send us your contact details at or call on 042-36655262.