@ KK and Mian,
Very informative contributions by your side. And Mian you are right - lawyer is not necessary but can provide you safety. Let me share my recent experience here with you; a few months back, I met one of my colleagues to source me a reliable estate agent who could help me in verifying ownership of a land. After reaching the agent's office, we were taken aback by the environment. The agent's friend was demanding for 1.5 million!
In short, on our second visit, we were informed that the agent had settled deal of a disputed property between his friend and the seller. After all, his friend had to loose the money and the agent is now paying in installments from his own pocket.
Definitely the ratio of such incidents is very low but still it may cease someone who has nothing except that hard earned money. This is the point where a lawyer protects you. He approaches the court and makes advertisements of deal before it takes place etc,. to secure the client to the maximum.