I have gone through a lot of discussions and q&a in the forum. No one recommending f-17 islamabad for investment or residence in any discussion.
What are the reasons, why f-17 is not recommended?
Good thread…let see feedback…Also did not no one is recommending D-17 MVHS
Because societies with direct access on GT Road have more potential. Same issue for Zone V where societies that touch Islamabad highway or GT Road on Pindi side have big advantage.
Thanks baloch bahi, but what is wrong with margalla view society where construction is at good pace.?
Nothing wrong with Margalla View so also you can see there is nothing wrong with price. Healthy price and growth rate.
I own a plot in MPCHS F-17 and always recommend it to people who want to live in Zone-2.
Every Facility is available and people are living for more than 04 years. Even public transport is available on the main gate. Future is very bright as Government has also approved dualization of current Fateh Jang road.
In Shaa ALLAH, I will be building my home in coming year.
Thanks Anees bahi.how do you compare F-17 V D-17 and B-17 which is good for investment?
@Mr. Anees... Can you please provide me the contact details of dealers for F-17 MPCHS plots?
I a planning to buy 2 plots (35x70 each), what is the price in current market?
would you like to share any advice for selection of plots in F-17?
J khan it might help me alot in making my mind and will be grateful if you let me know why are you choosing F_17? is it for investment purpose only? or might be you already have investment in other zones and wants to diversify.?
Thanks in advance
The people on various threads are not recommending probably they do not want to loose a 'potential buyer' since most of these are DHA /Bahria Property Dealers.
I have a Plot in F-17 as well.
AJ bahi Is F-17 a CDA Sector? and how is the market trend in year or so? and how did you see investing there as compared to D-17 and B-17.
Seniors Considering 3.5-4.5million for 8 marla plot. Do we see any upside potential in D-17?
Waqas bhai, i am not very much aware about D-17, but F-17 is part of Islamabad, (Developed by MPCHS) and if you get a chance, please visit the place & see its completely developed, 40% Houses constructed.
Both F-17 and D-17 are CDA sectors. I think at this time, D-17 is a better choice because of direct access on GT Road and near Margalla Avenue and CDA C sectors.
Many property dealers are working e.g M.J Associates, Win Win Associates, Suffa Associates etc. I will recommend to try to find it yourself rather than dealers.
Please visit the area and select the plots which are near the main markaz and double road.
@Anees Ahmad. Since you live in F-17, what is your view about the commercials in markaz? Do you see shops over there doing good business (other than property dealers) like general stores, chemists and clinics etc.? I am not sure about current population.
I am not currently living in F-17. Shops will have lots of business as the population increases in coming years.
Okay, thanks.
There are idiot Riaz dako paid touts like Imran A Sheikh , Dr Arshad who are barking like dogs on zameen against multi and Gulberg. Curse on these stupid touts. Phase 8 fell more than 50% but for these stupids. Gulberg and F 17 rose in last two years but these are bad because these jahils stupids and idiots paid touts are making innocent people fool
F-17 to me looks easily accessible much near to rawalpindi and public transport available but yes it does not have direct acess from GT road..which d-17 and B-17 enjoys.
Just my observation as i am from rawalpindi and might be biased about society which is near to rwp.