Which CDA sector (I-14,I-12, I-16, I-15, G-14 etc) recommended for 3 year investment with 4.5 m budget.
Plus how do you foresee CDA investment vs DHA Phase 2 (K,L,M,N,P) investment.
Go only for possession plots of CDA … I-12 & I-15 not advisable.
I hear that that I-12 3 & 2 have possession, is it correct?
I sectors has little rise in prices over a particular period of time and in comparison with other CDA sectors.
But I doubt that in this budget you will be able to buy anything other than I sectors.
I will recommend you G-14, which is in your range and in this period inshallah it may be developed. You can purchase 30x60 in this range.As recently they sent letters to the allotes for the development charges. I have a plot in G-14 so i also got the letter. If u have some querry you can contact me on 03355063653