Which block of b-17 is best for investment purpose (not too expensive to buy)
I think B block is good as it has possession and many houses also built there.
Beware of F-block and D-block
B block is the Best… It has full development and many houses constructed too. However, the rates are high and I would suggest C block to be the best for investment/construction at the moment. E block is also very good but it needs some time and access road which is being built.
Dear Waqas,
B-17 is one of best project but there is some issues in D and F block which will be resolve very soon inshAllah.
B-17 B block is good for living and C and E best for investment.Allah is the best Planner he knows what will be the best for us.
Nadeem Bhai can you tell which series in B block or C block are good for investment considering a 10 marla plot. Also in B and C blocks on the whole which size are the majority
Dear Arshad,
In B block size majority 50x90 929 number of plots then 35x70 460 number of plots then 40x80 423 numbers of plots personally i like near No1 gate and GT road area.
In C block also majority 50x90 1046 number of plots then 30x60 633 number of plots then 35x70 620 number of plots and personally i like around 120ft road area.
Nadeem bhai dont you think C block is far way considering 8-10 marla plots while considering Gate 1 35*70 in block B are very close and even one can find on main road.
and has block C got complete or partial possession? i think block B has complete possession.
Would you recommend as per your recommendation which are in B or C block would be good for investment in 10 marla plot
Dear Arshad bahi,
Personally i like B block but expensive and yes B block has complete possession.
C block is cheaper than B block so it's good for investment and when double road will complete to E block then E block will be same to A block.It's just my opinion.Allah is the best Planner he knows what will be the best for us.