Dear friends,
I am a salaried individual with savings of rs.3.0 million. I wan to invest it in a safe and reliable option for a period of 1 and half year. Could you guide me where to invest it in a manner that i am in a position to liquidate it without any problem it gives me good return. If your good selves share an investment option kindly share with me the return % that i will be getting. Many thanks and regards
Given the fact you are not a regular investor and want a safe option, bahria encalve can be a good option for you. You can get 5 marle(near possession) file in this price range. AFter possession you can expect return of 10 to 20% in time frame you mentioned.
i am in a position to liquidate it without any problem it gives me good return.
The best liquidity in this budget at Rwp / Isb could be DHA valley
for a period of 1 and half year
However, good Return at valley may take more time depending upon possession
Bahria Phase-8 Blocks L,M & N
Try to invest in zone 2 bcaz of new airport. There is a maximum chance of rise in 1 year due to airport coming operational in zone 2. You can get kanal all dues clear plot in e-19 or two 5 marla all dues clear plots in university town. Can consider faisal hills files.
Bahria Enlcave and DHA Valley are good options for 1.5 year time frame. You can also explore Mumtaz City, it will also give good return in this time frame.
Mr. Khan, Is DHA valley really a good option given what has been happening there since last decade?
Ikram sb, it is good for those, who will enter now, coz the initial investors have already waited for almost 10 years... And I think it is not time for return. 2nd thing, the investment amount is very low... 5 marla you can get around 7 to 10 lacs.... And 8 marla around 9 to 14 lacs.
Zone-2 Islamabad is the best option for good returns in short period. I suggest Faisal Town ph-B 30x60 plot. Second option can be Shalimar Town 30 x 60.