Where To Invest In Islamabad/pindi And Lahore ... Help Please

Salaam all,

I have a home in Bahria Town Islamabad, a plot in B-17, and a plot in Lake City Lahore. I am now looking for expert advice as to where to invest. Ideally in Islamabad/Pindi area on a small home which I can buy in installments. Even Lahore is fine as well. I can pay around 15-10 lac as down payment and can afford around 1.5lac per month for installments. If home is not available, I can buy a plot as well.

Please advice since I am not in Pakistan any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brother i will advise to invest in proper CDA sectors. In cda sectors there is no such scheme of home on instalments only apartments u can buy in cda sector on instalments. One more option in very good cda sectors in the commercial shops on instalments u can purchase which may have about double rent value than homes. Yes can also purchase plot in cda sectors but on cash only. I will suggest u E-12 sector it is good for future investment. If u further want to clarify u can also contact 03355063653

Invest in Bankers Avenue Bedian Road Lahore.

Buy a home in bahria karachii…Its one of the best investment these days…For buying a one,you can contact me at 03455370978.

Invest in islamabad near new airport for period of 5 years.

Team up with someone who has a similar amount to invest and buy a file DHA Multan for 3.1 million. Save the 1.5 that you can afford per month and use it to pay the development charges of about 1.8 million that DHA will demand.

Thanks ALL

Noor Wali : Has CDA acknowledged E-12 Sector ? I thought its not thats why D-12 has given preference. Can you explain a little on E-12 .

Naveed: Thanks , I will take a look at Bankers Avenue, Lahore. Any idea if they have a website or contact Info

Saadi : Karachi is too far for me. But thanks for suggestion

Furqan: Bhai near islamabad airport there are more schemes than people :) . Please suggest 1 or 2 which i can research further.

Simply google. Its a society for employees of Bank of Punjab. You may find out prices from Zameen and OLX.

Thanks nasir for ur comments. Actually CDA Non developed sectors can give u very good return in terms of investment if market is good. It is so far not developed that is why i mentioned about it. Present rates of 25x40 size plot is 30-35 laks if it developed then it will be at least 60 laks. I know that it will take time it is not sure how much time it take, may be two months may be 2 years. But if it is not developed still it will give u return. Personal experience.at least it will not loss u.

Dear Brother

Bahria Enclave 1

Sector B 1

Main boulevard

size 8 Marla

Ready Plots

Total Price 67 Lac

down payment 22 Lac

45 Lac you have to pay in installments to bahria office


I will recomend you gulberg islamabad installment plots.hope in three years time price will be doubled.

Thanks again Noor Wali Bhai ...

Zzingaro I will look into gulberg


Pechs or ministry of commerce


Can you please give me a web link or tel no to enquire about the installments plot that you mentioned are available in Gulberg Isb. I am interested to buy plot on installment. Or if you have any idea about the price structure yourself, please tell me.

Mr junaid you can buy from open market.lot of plots are avaible for sale in installments.