Where To Invest In Commercial Property In Islamabad

I need advice to invest 8-10 million for 3-5 years in a commercial property, preferably in the form of land, in Islamabad. This must be in a place where my investment is fully safe and secured and in possession areas only.

Thanks a lot.

DHA valley, but no possession yet.

In your range with possession , you can try Soan garden, Jinnah garden , I -11 ( if you have a heart for gambling :),

I am sure there would be more options too

Dear Nasir sb,

When will be the possession of DHA valley commerical plots?

Which block is best for buying a commercial plot?

What are the prices?

Thanks in advance.


Go for gulberg,dha valley or bharia prjects according to your range.

If you need any property in above projects then kindly email me at
