Dear sir , \r
my father was abroad he sent money to my mom to purchase home in pakistan.\r
my mom is totally house wife when she purchased we kids were small so naturally the house was on her named.\r
after my father death my mom gifted the house one of my married sister\'s name with out knowing me and other children , now that sister and brother in law selling that house.\r
i wanted to know is that legal ? What sharia says ?\r
what percentage of boy sister and mom has according to sharia ?\r
please please please reply soon as possible.\r
many thanks,\r
Dear brother your sister is sole owner of that house.
You and your little sister dnt have any legal right as your mother gifted her in her life.
I agree with Mr.Ahsan but in few cases if you have a good lawyer he challenge this in court.
Quiet a few cases have been successful in this regard.