Assalam o Alaikum,
If I have 5 million to invest, will it be a better option to go for DHA Phase-9 file? Is it secure to purchaes file instead of plots? Plus what is the scene in file purchase I mean will I have to pay more after I purchase file or is file price all that I have to put in? Also, how reliable is this? Is there any change of fraud in this?
Wasalam brother
Phase-9 Lahore is very long term project. It will take almost 10-years to handover developed plots to file holders.
You have to pay the development charges around 15-lacs in installments once ballotting is done & plot number is alloted to your file. Exact amount would be announced only after ballotting.
Yes, its a secure investment. Pls buy the file from credible dha estate agent & also verify it from dha office just for precautionary measures.
Yess its very secure investment.ballot is in with in one year and after ballot one kanal plot will start from 80(at bad location) and good location plot will be at 120 lax.dha 9 location is best as on main ferozepure road.