What Are The Names And Numbers Of Some Biggest Property Dealers In Rawalpindi

And would it be nice to learn property buying and selling from them? And stepping into this field what should I need to consider? Do I have to speak lies? If yes! Then in which way? Or what are the problems related with this work and field? And can you please give me overall view of this field? As I am MBA in Finance from a nice university and I want to learn this stuff. And what should I consider when joining any organization.

Thanks in advance.

Beta if you want to learn any field start from bottom not from top.

Try to learn this from surveyors of small dealer then you can get true knowledge.

MBA is nothing to do with practice fields. I am also MBA FINANCE in addition to my regular professional field degree and I also have idea about the status of your practice knowledge so stop thinking or running after big dealer start from ABC not from XYZ.