What is practically better for interior wall decoration wallpaper or paint
Paint is better because the quality of bricks in Pakistan is not very good.They suck water from the outside.the reason being is that they have not been dried properly.
Its like this you can cook steak at certain temperature for 20 min and same can be done at a high temperature for only 5 minutes but the quality will matter
Paint can last a few years before it start showing damp but wall paper will would last no more than 6 months.
Offcourse this is my opinion
There are many options the easyest wall paper which has veriety of designs and colors.
Dear Sir,
Marble tiles also helps to prevent water leakage if would like to visit our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008591081126 ..different colors original Bunner district stock availible.
Thanks for watching.
Syed Raza
Color is better then wallpaper it will increase the life of your wall for long time.