I do not have enough experience about building a house i am getting mixed responses from mistris. Some say you have to have atleast 6 months for a completely build (brick) house whereas i have heard several say house can be completed in under 2 months. Which one is true, why some people are insisting a house can be completely finished in under 2 months?
Ahmed sb
Finishing a house in 2 months can be a joke of a century!
In any good society only paper work needs months...then soil testing.. then plot location hand over from society if it is not already possessed....then digging...then rafting...then at least " 28 days wait post RCC roof has been done"...then another 28 days for the second story RCC roof.
Then rainy season...then Eid holidays for labour...two Eids...then Ramzan working slow...then material sourcing...then carpentry wood buying & wait for drying it b4 actually usage...plaster needs time...painting...tiles...electrical.. plumbing..
The most difficult job of a house owner/contractor is to get the construction force to deliver works as per schedule...
If you have a complete and good team, you must strategise house construction at least 1 year after all paper work is in your hand and you start it just b4 non-rainy season...in twin cities, feb or March to start with....even early and be mindful about moon soon rains just ahead of you!
You are on spot sir!
Few people claim 8 months however that is also very ideal provided so many slips,as mentioned in your discourse, don’t happen. However few out those related to weather and festivals are bound to happen
And certainly those delays or halts which are otherwise dictated by construction rules e.g. Pause after gr floor and first floor RCC
in a nutshell if all goes as planned and in favour of the owner construction will take minimum one year.