tips to dress up celine bag online as rosie the riveter this halloween
during the historic period of 19401945, women throughout america entered the working force in large numbers. The inspiration was 'rosie the riveter' propaganda advocated by the government to attract women into labor industry. A 'riveter' is someone who operates on a riveting gun in the manufacturing assembly line. However, only 10 percent of the women who joined back then actually worked as a riveter.
the iconic rosie image has gone down in history as a symbol of http://www.Celinehandbagsonline.Com/ women equality and power. It has largely been interpreted as a feminist icon but many believe it was just a source of inspiration. If you wish to relive the wecandoit attitude, then here as some easy tips on how to dress up like rosie the riveter.
the top: you can choose between a shirt or blouse mainly of the darker blue shade. Highly recommended is a blue jean top which is classy and chic. If you wish to make it cute and fun then a red checked shirt fits the bill, roll up the sleeves and show your girl power.
the bottom: you can go for jeans (skirt/shorts), highwaist pants or leggings. Go through the slideshow celine (above) to get more ideas about dressing up in rosie style.