In Islamabad, everyone seems to suggest all zones are in free fall. Does this mean the predictions about the bubble bursts are true or just a temporary phenomenon?
What are the reasons?
If Bahria Karachi and BE2 can do so much damage does this mean the pool of big investors is very limited? And by BT soon taking the lead in few new cities would Islamabad be strong enough to get that small pool back in the next 5 years?
Dear sinful
boom is still in market only bahria and multi is down other wise property is fine rates are not increasing but prices are stable
In multi specially B-17 . Orchid is going fine so far…
Prices are in those sectors are down as already there have been a price hike there. Unbelievable price hike in be1 and b-17 mpchs. So of course you will see prices decline a little to correct themselves but every where else prices are stable.
Some diversion of investment funds to orchards (as down payment files do not require large amount to be paid upfront).
Secondly, overseas pakistani is uncertain about future when he listens to the news - everything on electronic media is sensationalized.
But in the period between late Feb to early April, hopefully, zones 1 and 2 will start picking up. So safe to say March is the month inshaAllah. And then peak will be reached in 1-2 months.
So in short this is a good time to buy but a bad time to sell.
Yes I have said in another post that now is ideal for buyers market but questionable for sellers. Especially in zone 2, places like AWT, Top/Mumtaz Cities, PECHS, etc…facing politics regarding road access etc…which is aload of rubbish but its keeping the market stable and preventing a price hike so now is ideal to invest!
To me this is temporary slow down in the market, and it could be artificial, to create panic and then purchase at lower prices. Thanks
The market is not slow, it is stable, in CDA sectors rates are still appreciating, Bahria Phase 8, & Multi plus DHA valley are a bit slow due to Bahria Karachi forms game, it will be closed down soon and investment will again shift to developed sectors, plus Multi is about to launch F and G block soon.
And secondly, One can not compare BE-2 with Islamabad,
To me Trading is going in files only… Like Faisal Town, Multi orchid, multi resdenisa… Because of low budget range… And new investors…
@ nasir bhai…When is the expected launch of block F and G and will it be profitable to book a plot initially??
Saadi ofcourse it will be profitable, look at the track record of multi booking. But I dont think f or g is ready for booking before possession in e block.
@Nasir bhai… Are you sure they will launch F & G blocks soon? Is it a reliable news? When do you think they will start booking for these new blocks? Thanks
Dear all,
To Me, Bubble is still there, and it is growing.
@Reply needed especially from Sheikh saab, Ibrahim saab and Pk1 saab.
Is it wise to buy in E block or wait for F block of B17?
Bubble has yet to blow, burst honay ka tu sawal hi paida nahi hota bro ( specially for Zone-2 ).
Rest BE-2 it was already predicted and you will see within 6-8 months when investors/genuine buyers get out of this Bahria fever which im sure they will.
So those investors need some TRAUMA treatment and here they will find the oxygen.
Rest ALLAH knows best
Dr sahab, Block E is in mature price range. It's price will take some time to rise - even if they give possession this year, it will still face a ceiling below Block C.
So only if Blocks A, B and C rise, can Block E rise.
Overall B-17 has risen quite a lot last year. It cannot keep going up until there is a boom in Zone 2 - for example if work on Margalla Avenue is finished.
But still it is better to buy than to wait for F block. We don't know what prices will be after some time.
Also, you can consider CDECHS. At the moment it seems to be the most potentially juicy investment (among solid/safe options) in Zone 2. It will yield more juice as compared to other options.
There is already talk of Tarnol flyover. If Mian sahab builds this, then Zone-2 will take off big time.
Would you call this a burst bubble? or just a small break? When do you think ISD realstt will turn around?
Its a small break, i personally know few investors, who buying plots in bulk in zone 2 specially b17, and they doing it very quietly, they dont want prices to go up for next 2 months, but after 2 or 3 months a big surprise is due.