T& T F-17 Islamabad plot changed without my consent

I have a plot in t&t f-17 for over 15 years. I have paperwork stating the plot number etc. This plot was on the main road which was of a higher value. The society has now allotted this plot to someone else without my permission or giving me compensation, and have moved my plot to a street behind. There is a difference of 30% in the price of this plot and the one i had previously. The society office has been extremely unhelpful. Who can i speak to you with regards to this ie has anyone got contacts with senior people at this society or is there a legal route i can take. What they have done is very unfair and immoral. I look forward to some help/advice. Thank you.

Please lodge your complaint to cooperative societies department.

Visit their website www.coop.gov.pk and send them email.

Sad to know that, prepare all your documents, put pressure on society whatever way you can, send them legal notice, only then they would do something in your favor otherwise as you know well no one listen unfortunately.