Syed Ibrahim To Become Zameen's Property Guru

Precisely after posting 25 more replies, Syed Ibrahim will become the first ever Expert Authority at's forum. He is by far leading the forum ranks with a huge margin of 400+ posts.

The count down has begun...

Thumbs up to Syed Ibrahim!!

Wow… thats appreciable.

Well done! It is thoroughly deserved mashaAllah.

Sounds Good, He Deserves it :slight_smile:

Oh, that’s great… Well done Syed Ibrahim sb.

Congraturlations Syed Ibrahim bhai

I really appreciate his contribution in this forum. His to the point and pricise comments benifiting lots of people. Keep it up sir Syed Ibrahim.

Well i am not very old on this forum, May be from last 6 months i started to visit on regular basis, I am personnel very impressed from some experts like Syed Ibrahim,PK1,Nasir khurshid sb,Zain,Mr.khan and others.

I would like to have best wishes to Syed Ibrahim for his worth full contribution on this forum and very soon he will be our GURU.

This is really good forum to get free and fair knowledge of real estate, I personnel appreciate this effort

Assalam o alaikum, Mr. Ahmed Tanoli,

I am pleased to see that you appreciate the efforts of property experts here. Even though i am a very ordinary expert as compared to others, but your comment is really motivating.

May ALLAH bless us all in this world and hereafter. Aameen. regards, z@in N@deem

Carry on buddy…

Thanks alot for the appreciation Ahmed Tanoli Sb.

Both of you are well come Nasir and Zain sb,

They have already started work upon it. Zameen administration is planning to insert a new ranking over and above "GURU" and they have asked among the participants to suggest a name for that superior rank. I suggest it to be " GURU DEV" or may be " GURU GHANTAAL" D:))) lol Wishes for here for expected GURU GEE

Plz check again . I think there is some confusion here . To be a propety guru there are supposed to be 1500 plus posts and Ibrahim has 1165 as I see now on my left under his belt. I don think there yet is blown " tug of war" D:))

Now I can see Mr.Khan or Shiekh Abdul will going to be GURU on this forum. The competition is on between them.

And the winner is …Mr. Khan

Mr.Khan sb,

Bhut bhut Mubarak ho to be Ist Property Guru ever on this forum.We hope your contribution will continue for development of this forum.


Well done. Keep it up

Congrats Mr.Khan :slight_smile:

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