I need a help/advise regarding sui-gas connection for my house in bahria town, islamabad.
If you know, bahria town takes care of these connection thingies. I started construction in last year september and applied for a gas connection on 12-sep-2014 at that time.
Bahira town administration told me to come back after 6 months and apply for an urgent connection otherwise it will take 3 years approx.
I applied for urgent connection on 13-mar-2015 and now its been a month i didn't hear anything about my urgent application and bahria town administration is saying they don't have any update from sui-gas lahore office regarding this.
Can anyone please guide me how do i make a followup on my urgent application , any contact number of sngpl helpline which can really help me.
And how much time our dear govt. Department(sngpl)
Usually takes after urgent fee submission and how much other charges before connection (legal).
Many thanks and sorry for long background details :)
Warm regards,
Sami ullah