Status Of G-17??

I want to know is there any chance of G-17 to get some swing in near 5 to 10 years????

Answer from Syed Ibrahim and Sheikh Abdul would highly be appreciated....And anyone else having any information in this regards.


Yes very bright future if.

If your time frame is next 10 years. It will definitely developed in next 10 years.

They will start development after the inauguration of New Islamabad Airport.

Dear imtiaz

g 17 1 is still better as society acquired some land there but in g 17 4 land issues are there still they are unable to acquire land other main issues is that transfer is close there u cant transfer a plot on ur name.

when transfer will open in g 17 rates will improve , but it will take some time to develop.

10 Years is a very long way to go, i think improvement in 4-5 years.