Southern ring road, where to invest right now?


I am looking to invest in in a decent, well-renowned housing society having bright future prospects in the budget of 3 to 4 million. Before starting my quest for land, i never thought it would be this difficult to make a decision. I am extremely confused actually.

Ok, so here seeking your suggestion. I have these options:

1. Buy a 8/10 marla plot in dha rahbar phase 2/dha phase 11 – halloki gardens for around 3.4 million
2. Buy a 1 kanal plot in awt 2, nfc 2 or sui gas 2 for the same amount of money – 3.4 million

Now which option would you suggest and why. There are two parts of my question, firstly to decide between first and second option.

Secondly, if you suggest me the first option, that would be it. If you suggest second, please explain in detail which of these 3 societies between awt 2, sui gas 2 and nfc 2 is the best for future and why. How about the credibility of these three? Who are the developers? How well they managed their previous projects? Their history/reputation, etc.

Thanks in advance!