Some breaking news from gwadar

According to new master plan leaks there will be seperate port for cruise ships containers,

Electronics and goods,port for industries

Cargo and raw material and port of oil

Port of crusie ship will be on koh e Batil area, port for electronics in west bay, port of industrial cargo in industrial area koh e mehdi andport of oil near oil city and fish jetty and harbouring will be on east bay, gwadar lamd is short and gda may take back land from pvt scheme whose noc suspended or remained expired during next year.

Totally make sense. Most of the international ports I have seen had separate setup like this. Also Cruise ship tourism will bring tons of jobs in Gawadar.

Only disappointment is Gawadar Airport so far. They should plan bigger and modern airport. PIA should be modernized and main airline hub should be moved to Gawadar. Gawadar has great potential to capture international travelers between Asia, Europe and US. Arab airlines will start crying in no time.