Solutions To Get Rid From Cracked Walls After Construction

Dear members of all a bundles of thanks to contribute in that forum and to give us your useful information and tips.

Now I come toward my issue. I built a home for my self 3 years ago, single story. Mistri to whom we hired was good in his job, but what happened that after 3 years I found cracks in my room wall, specially that area on the top of door and, which I believe is due to weight of lenter, because I have 3 feet wall on the top of door, and this crack is on both side of wall.

I need the tips to get away that problem. Secondly, I found a crack at the bottom of my window which is also both sides. Please help me out.

Our mistri did not raise any columns, only he made some beams on the top if window or door.

If I plan to raise the 2nd story I am worry that I am going to put more load on that cracked walls, so before I plan 2nd storey I need to get rid from that cracks.

Please some solid solutions, will be highly appreciated.

Assalam o alaikum,

Mr. Adeel forst of all you need to confirm whether the cracks are in the cement only or bricks as well. I think that the crack above the door is due to the frequent shutting and opening of door and same is my thinking for window. But first confirm if its a crack only in cement, if so, then nothing much to worry about.

Regards, z@in N@deem

Had the cracks been for closing and shutting of doors and windows, they would have been on the paint… Cement is much tougher to get cracked and bricks are the toughest. If cracks are appearing the wall needs to be reinforced. The load is too much i think…

Thanks for replay @khan The cracks r on both side of wall, out side and inside also.So its mean they have breaked the bricks and passing through out.

@zain These cracks r not dut to opening and closing of door, normally i open that door once a week, that door is not use in common.

@both and all members,

Please help me out with that issue.

Brother, some cracks are dangerous but some are not. I think rather than discussing it here, you should consult 2/3 experienced contractors, you can help you with it and guide you. I am saying 2/3 because not everyone is going to tell you the real issue, but if 2 or 3 tell you the same reason, you will get the proper treatment and will understand what to do, if your house is in Islamabad/Rawalpindi, i can send my contractor to you. Regards,

Yes, bring over some mason and he can tell you what kind of crack it is.

I am thinking to make hole in roof ( lenter) 1x1 feet and raise 2 strong colums from floor to roof , that's the way to transfer the load from wall to colums. Any more ideas or .....

We have a team of professional architects, interior designers, 3d visualizers and construction consultants who can actually help you and give you a good can contact us at 0302-4666366

I hope it helps