Should I buy plot in H-13

AoA experts, what you people suggest buying a plot in H-13.

It seems that by buying in H-13 you are just buying land like you would agricultural land anywhere else. It is fairly good location at its price but I cannot get my head around the fact that you can build a house there and CDA will be happy with it and one day won’t come back to give you grief.

Dear Ehsan,

H-13 is exempted open land you can buy plot there if in future CDA will acquire it then it will be a lottery for you as they will give you plot against your land and also a plot against your construction.


Ibraheem and Arshad bro, how are you?

Yes Ehsan bro. I'm resident of H-13 and doing part time work in this property field. You can visit me bro. I will show you different places and will tell you prospects of your investment inshaAllah.


H-13 is exempted open land. what it means All H sectors are not for colleges universities etc

H-13 is exempted open land. what it means All H sectors are not for colleges universities etc

Buying land as an investment? Avoid the “paralysis of analysis” Rizi sahab

What u think in comparison with G-16 and F-16. What will be the best choice. @ Malik Munawar i donot understand "Avoid the “paralysis of analysis”"