Sector e-11 vs g-13, islamabad

Hi. Currently I am living in London but planning to relocate to Islamabad. I have around 3 crore rupees for the 1 kanal plot. I will arrange additional funds for construction which I am planning to start soon but am not very sure where to buy? I've read reviews about e-11 & g-13 but am not sure if I can start construction in both sectors and whether all planning permissions / approvals/ road networks / amenities are complete? Can anyone advise? Which of the 2 sectors is better for living and why not the other? Feel free to recommend any other sector.

Thank you

I would like to give you a brotherly advice, if you have made your mind to live like in both of the said sectors do consider MPCHS F-17. Where you can get prime location Kanal plot in 6.5 million PKR. Rest you can make a dream house of it.

This on ground is better than G-13. Rest is your choice.

In E 11 u can get 1 kanal plot for 3.5 to 4 crore prices are very high and in g13 prices of 1 kana start from 2 crore to 2.5 crore depending on location of plot so if u r targeting these 2 sectors u need to increase ur budget for making house G15 JKCHS is another good option for you where prices are still low comparing these 2 sectors in G 15 u can gert kanal plot for 1.2 crore to 1.5 so its reasonable


Definitely go for E-11 but you may have to compromise on the plot size. And in E-11 MPCHS i.e. E-11/3 is the best society. I am not sure about NPF but it seems good too, however, stay away from the other ones. I would highly recommend E-11 for living as it is well developed and beautiful with carpeted roads and all utilities available. It is considered as a posh sector.

But if you really want a 1 kannal plot and then build a house on it, then I would suggest you to go for G-13. The development and roads are not in a good condition and it lags behind E-11.

E-11 is definitely a posh sector with all the amenities of life like good markaz, decent posh community, security, near rather its closest neat area with new construction.

D-12 is another good feel better then G-13.

Rest as your budget is quite good you can also consider something in Zone-2 like D-17 (5 kanal farm house), JKCHS F-15 (1 kanal or even 2 kanal plot).

This is my limited opinion other members can disagree with my findings.


Thank you all those who answered. Let me clarify 1 point. My budget is Rs 3 crore for 1 kanal plot only. Construction cost will be in addition to the mentioned figure which I will arrange separately.

Why E-11 prices so high as compared to others and if I go for E-11, which sub sector i.e. E-11/1, E-11/2 etc is better and why?

I just completed my house in E-11 and shifted last month Allhamdolillah. First, do not go other than E-11 or second choice as D-12.

E-11 prices are really high. No one expected that E-11 will rise so much. Honestly, Still can't understand why prices are so high. Reason in my mind, location and no other posh sector available. 1 kanal plots are a lot in number especially in E-11/3. Some other reasons but answer will get long.

E-11/3 is best sub-sector but you will not be able to find plot in this budget. E-11/2 is also good but some areas like Medical Society is at very low height. E-11/1 multi developed is also good. E-11/4 is mix, depends upon location. I also live in E-11/4.

You can go for D-12 too. It will take time to develop but would be great once developed. It's close to E-11 and closest to Margalla Hills.

Do not go for G-13 if you have budget. G stigma is very strong in Islamabad. Though ethically it's wrong and stupid, but we can't beat perception. Even if you go for G sector, better to go for G-15 and get 75x120 plot I.e 1000 sq Yard. You can have good lawn in it.

If interested in more information, let me know. If you are coming on Eid, you can visit E-11 and meet if interested.

Thank you Malik Sb for your detailed reply which has clarified quite a few things in my mind. If I need to contact you, what's the best way of doing it?



If we compare G-13 and E-11, E-11 is much better, G-13 is better location wise but when we talk about basic amenities and good environment and ambience, E-11 is better.

For posh living in this budget..

1=E-11 the best

2=Dha or bahria town..ONE OF THE FINEST OPTIONS

Stay away from g-13 from living view point.

@Jawad, I am not sure how you can contact me. Cant give email or number at this forum because it can be viewed by everyone.

Saadi Bhai and ISBase can shed light how members can contact each other personally if needed.