Where are the hot properties & forums in the newsletter? Are foreigners anyhow permitted to purchase property in pakistan?
First of all it is not ok for you to use derogatory terms about this website. It is doing a great job of educating people who are looking to invest in the real estate sector of pakistan.
Please refrain from doing this. Thanks.
Secondly, let me answer your question. In principle, it is possible for foreigners to purchase real estate property in pakistan. However, the foreigner should have a valid resident visa to be eligible to purchase immovable property. If you have a valid visa then it is possible to acquire legal title to real estate but there will be certain documentation formalities to fulfill with the board of investment and interior ministry in islamabad.
I hope that helps.
Hello henri,
Are you talking about zameen's newsletter? I doubt that you are mistaken because infact 'hot properties' have been mentioned in the latest newsletter. Secondly, there are links to 'forum discussion'. I also got the newsletter and found it really interesting.
May be you didn't receive the whole version due to some technological glitch. Do tell me if you need a link to the newsletter. Reagrds, Z@in n@deem
You're right. It is the fact that the two links do not work that is grossly annoying. It was not a criticism of the web site, although i will criticise if i feel inclined. My second question was because i have never heard of a foreigner moving to pakistan, even though thousands of pakistanis live in the uk and purchase property
Dear henri,
You are of course free to criticize as we all are, though it is much more helpful if you can also spell out the deficiencies (as you have now done in your second post).
As for your second question, i have given you a broad outline of the requirements for a foreigner to invest in pakistan. You say you are not aware of people moving to pakistan. As a matter of fact there are many non pakistanis (though very few westerners) who have not only moved to pakistan, but have also acquired nationality and have invested in real estate property as well as in business. Many of these people are running successful businesses here. These include people primarily from afghanistan but also some from india, bangladesh and china. Some chinese families have almost completely assimilated, they speak urdu, wear the local dresses but also maintain trade and other links with their home country.
You are welcome to consider the options for investment in pakistan. At least in the real estate sector, the returns can be very attractive and relatively quick. A couple of my friends who invested in real estate properties in pakistan and europe, have pointed out that they made a lot more money from their investment in pakistan (despite the unfortunate continuous decline in the value of the pakistani rupee against the dollar).
The reason is simple: with decline in business opportunities, savings have found their way into real estate and that has pushed up prices over a considerable period of time.
Some times bug/error occur but you can't say it as rubbish newsletter this site is more like addiction to me dear don't be rude No harsh feeling for you brother
Exactly PK1, i will precede to what you said, there are many many Vietnamese, Koreans, people from Sudan, Uzbekistan, Sri lanka, i have seen some Russians even, not only residing here in Pakistan but all are doing businesses (need to earn for living after all). Like PK1 said they have learned the languages, adapted the customs of Pakistan even. Have seen a Russian speaking Pashto that was awsum