I was looking for a plot to to build house on in 3-4 years. I alongwith my family decided to proceed with buying a 10 marla or 8 marla plot in roshan pakistan. I know its noc is cancelled but it seems suitable for our budget(2.5 million) and location of society. My preference is buying possession plot rather than file or non developed plot. I need your expert suggestions is it safe to buy possession plot in rp e-16 or shall i start looking anywhere else. Will i be able to approve map from cda for a cancelled noc society and will be about to transfer plot on my name. I also want to to know if there any danger of losing all my money? Thanks in advance
Please see points below.
No NOC till yet. Because of no NOC, no gas and water provided by society till yet, only electricity is provided by society.
Possession or udner develop plot are safe which are on ground, files are not safe.
Map is no issue, aournd 100 houses constructed/under construction.
Plot will be transferred on you name and overall no risk if you buy on ground plot with possession or under develop.
Mr Nasir mentions points well.Just to add a little bit no issue of water because there is alot of underground water available there .if location is not an issue then it is best in this budget even you can’t find a mohalla plot in this budget.