Aoa all respected members
I have a plot in i-11/2 25*40, on ground, there is a raw land, not a possessionable plot.
But planning wing(cda)has given me the possession letter of the plot.
Now the surveyor, which has given me the possession letter, telling me please do not apply for map in cda, & do not try to construct on the plot
As the possession letter which has given, is error from my side, and i can lose my job.
What is my point is to cda' please give me the real possession of the plot, not just paper.
Can i force cda planning wing, on there fault(as given me the possession letter of
Non-possessionable plot), to give me the alternative possessionable plot right now. Or what i should to do that cda give me a possession-able plot as soon as possible.
Brothers I am still waiting for yours kind reply.
Dear Sir,,,,
CDA walon ne loagon ki zindagi azaab bnaayee huwi hy....
If you have the possession letter, try to get possession...
Woh kisi per reham nhe khaatay... They only understand language of MONEY....
I am still waiting for a promising reply, which really help?
Mushtaq Sb,
What you want to hear from forum?
There is no possession available in that area, so, how would CDA give you possession? Similarly, they can't transfer your plot.... And one thing more, noting will happen to that CDA employee... It will be simply termed as inadvertent error.... So keep waiting for CDA to wake up and work on I-11....