Pre Build Or Own Construction


I am just wondering if someone can help me please. I am an overseas pakistani. I have a plan for my family to move to bahria islamabad. My family has seen some houses in phase-8 costing 120-140 lac and 7-8 marla. But if honestly, didnt like any of them as if one has good location but lack of quality and design. Now i am looking for an experience advice weather i should stick with searching for the right pre built house or i should look for a plot and start own construction ?


Own construction needs lot of time and even more recourses if you have both that's the best option, on the other side built houses are immediately available but as far as Quality of construction is concerned it depends on your luck or you should have understanding of the construction process which is not normal for a normal person

Good luck

I would like to suggest that instead of buying already constructed home, you should construct at your own because there is no guarantee that material will be more durable or not. We are working as interior designer and construction for several years and would love to provide you our services if you purchase land. You can see our work by visiting Ask your family to meet with a good property agent and buy land to construct home with your own desire. If you are interested then you can send us your contact details at to discus in details.

@Hamza Asif

Brother ,thanks for agreeing on the cheating by some or many corrupt contractors in ready made houses , sold to buyers in a very decorated way.

YOU will be kind enough now to pinpoint the ways to detect such flaws .

Dear Ayesha,

it's true that home construction is big headache for overseas because of short vacation.

In my opinion purchase plot and start own Construction.


MAdam if some one has time (male not female) to construct house then its best choice…Other wise go for ready made ones…Btw if you want best deals at bahria town,you can contact me at 03455370978.

Buy 2-3 used house as all teething problem with new house would have been solved. If the house was originally built by owner himself then nothing like it.

If you can increase budget go for DHA villas which is situated in Bahria but owned by DHA, it is better built and maintenance is done by BAHRIA.