If you bought a house from someone who has lost his registry documents and given your fard by getting duplicate of his registry documents. Then his old original registry must be with someone(himself or someone else)
What could be the possible misuses of that old registry documents(although you have got the house transfered on your name)?
Please help with answer
Anyone please help. Thanks.
Anyone??? please
The documents could be used as title documents to stand surety for release of an accused on bail or same could be used to obtain loan from financial institution by deposit of title deed in connivance with bank officials. However,only previous owner himself or someone else by misrepresenting himself as previous owner ( by showing fake ID) can do the above.
To avoid adverse consequences, you must have a copy of Public Notice, published in print media, through which the incident of losing documents, was brought in notice of the public. Further, sale Deed in your favour must have mentioned that original sale deed had been lost and a duplicate had been issued on basis of which property is being sold.
There could be number of misuses by third person which are not being mentioned here so that criminal minded individual may not misuse the information, if provided here.
After I involved powerful influenial people and pressurized that person, I got the house a year back. Its a seven month long headache.