Plot with in 15 lac karachi

I have intention to buy some plot in karachi within 15 lac range, or smaller

I heard first we had good option in bahria town and seen some adds for 13.5 lac plots but look like file only ,

I need a good option so what you suggest , my main intention was not selling rather buiding a house but it must be on some decent place just like bahria town etc

I know its not much money but any suggestion is helpful

You cannot buy anything in decent society.Try Orangi town , New karachi, Teaser town.

What about bahria town karachi, few month back i see add for 13.5 lacs but i suggested not to buy those at that time.

Any thing in bahria town near this price?

You got Lucky that you have not bought any thing in bahria karachi.

What is the deal with Bahria Town Karachi now.

As I've heard all the cases have been resolved and prices have jumped 5%-10% immediately after the judgement

Can you please elaborate I may be out of the loop


Wait, yeah, that’s what I have assumed too. Bahria should be recovering now. A few days ago, they probably paid a hefty amount to Express Tribune to propaganda on their behalf as well, stressing this very thing. And the authorities are done with BTK, so what’s the issue now?

It seem to have been resolved, things will progress as they seem.

Just another angle: This is Pakistan, years on, CDA realises, at the heart of the Capital a multistory, high end shopping centre named Safa Gold Mall, being operational for years is actually built on CDA land reserved for Health Directorate.

CDA itself in 2010 auctioned the plot and guess what, NAB orders CDA to retrieve the land back....

Unfortunate, its becoming a land of the law less, when political masters change, SC bows down to reverse its decision in no time. Unfortunately, its the common man that gets all the heat and loss.

The original article that resulted in ET propaganda. If the details in Dawn are even half as authentic, as they portrayed, it has enough mess still looming over.

Bahria Town & others: Greed unbound

CDA gets go-ahead to move against Safa Gold Mall

Yes sir, read those. Gotta love Dawn for its brave journalism when no other media outlet anywhere in Pakistan would have the guts to publish such stuff.