Plot vs hotel suite

Hi Property Experts,

I have a plot in top city block b. Should I keep the plot or sell this plot and invest in JF-17 Swiss hotel suites in Mumtaz City or JF-17 Signatures hotel suites in Top City. Please advise pros and cons. Thank you.


If it’s a possession or ballotted plot retain it, 10/10 times!!

Thank you for the reply. Yes, it’s a possession plot. Many houses has been built in the street. In the long run, will the plot will worth more or the hotel suites? Thank you.

Yes, 99.9% plot is and will be better than those mentioned hotel suites/serviced apartments etc.

I think you should invest in serviced apartments… But instead of investing in the projects you mentioned, you can check out River Courtyard 2. It’s in Bahria Town, Rawalpindi and is developed by a reputed developer. Since it is in Bahria Intellectual Village, you can expect higher returns as value will increase. The developer has also delivered River Courtyard, which has good development standard, management, and maintenance. Hopefully, the same standard will be followed for this project.

Thank you, @Its_ImtiaX_88, for the advice. I am also inclined towards keeping the plot. I know the JF17 team is good but return from the hotel suites will be less.