I have been allotted a plot near sewerage treatment plant (stp) at bahria enclave (3rd plot from stp) and i intent to construct the plot.
I need opinion of experts on the followings:
- is it recommended to construct house near stp?
- what could be possible disadvantages?
- how well bahria has managed stp in bahria town and in other projects?
I shall be grateful for your valuable advice.
If you ask for one single liner without going into details:better to switch your plot to better location as house is a lifetime investment.
Its better to avoid construction near STP.... Although, I have doubts over development of STP by BT....
It is best to change location. The Bahria management is good but no one can control the smell if the wind is blowing towards your plot direction… There is a patch in BT ph4 aswell. Its hard to sell rent or to even live there…
Dear Falcon, Mr. Khan & HT,
Thanks for your advice/suggestion, but is it possible to reallocate the plot?
I think BE should construct STP away from residential area if smell is uncontrolled.
Relocation means, sell this plot and buy in another location... BT will not do it for you.
It does not pose a health risk. But in summer you will get some foul smell. And price appreciation will be lower than other areas.
The inevitable consequence would be the stench that can definitely bother you and the problem will be persistent so better to sell it and get a plot at good location since house is a life time investment and the aspect of resale should also be kept inmind.BT would not relocate its STP.
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