Please advice action


I m living abroad and i have 14 marla plot in G-13 .I want to shift my family to Pakistan after 5 t0 6 months. Should i construct the house on plot or should i sell the plot to buy a ready made house in g -11 or in other sector (but I can't get more than 8 marla house there because of the budget) . Furthermore how much money will be required to build a house on 14 marla plot ? Any round guess like 50 - 60 lac etc please give me some bracket so that I can see that weather i can build a house or should go for ready made 8 marla house?

Looking forward to your advice.

Yup 60 lac do it for 14 marla double unit, only if you construct on your own I mean with your on material and inspection, in Lahore per square ft construction charge is 180-190, in Islamabad it's 200-230, else in both other cases you will suffer choice is yours if you can't give time to construction but can pay 10 lac to18 lac above real cost get a constructed one (good solid construction), the contract with material is a tough task too but some good contractors are too there which will take extra few lac.

  1. Construct in your supervision and material provide to contractor,
  2. Buy a solid house save your time and patience with a bit money.
  3. Contact a good contractor who will do it for you while taking some money from you an some within material. :)
  4. Sale this and buy a bit old house with solid construction instead of a new house, it will cost you less plus you don't have to compromise on size. :)