My goal: Expecting to at least double my money in 5 years while taking minimum/calculated risk.
Price does not matter as long as their is solid growth potential. This is for investment not for personal living.
I would like to begin investing in two (30x60 or 35x70) plots (one developed/possession and one file) in Islamabad (any Zone, CDA/non-CDA sector).
Please advice where should I buy one developed plot and where should I buy one file plot?
In my opinion,
1: Dha phase2 new blocks K,L,M,N,P
2: Bahria phase8
3: Multi B-17 B and C blocks
Kindly tell us your budget so that we can guide you accordingly.
Mr.Saadi… He said price does not matter…
Khan sb i just wanted a brief idea…If price does not matter,he should go for a 30x70 plot in f-11/2…
How much is 30*70 plot in F 11/2?
@ mohd…Its expensive…around 16 to 17 million i think.
Thank you for good advice.
(F-11/2 may not offer solid growth potential)
Nadeem sb: You recommended Bahria 8, Dha II and B-17 (B).
Would you recommend these for POSSESSION PLOT as well as a FILE?
@ Amir sb…Sir f-11 se solid kya ho sakta hai??Zone is rock solid investment and f sectors ki to kya baat hai but they need big investment…Sir Dha 2 sectors,K,L,M,N are one of the most distinguished investment option available and they are rock solid investments…Go for 10 marla plots in sector L and N and InshaAllah it will offer you handsome return on your investment as construction activity has started at K block and once this construction wave travels to other blocks,they will appreciate at good rate…Avoid bahria 8 now a days…
Amir sab,
i just believe in safe investment because i am overseas so i can't take any risk in any unknown project.
1: Bahria phase8 safari valley,F1 or F2 which are possession area totally safe and bright future.don't go to any file game extension area .
2: Dha phase2 is also safe new blocks K,L,M,N,P which will give you good return in near future inshaAllah.
3: B-17 is also good for investment just in B and C only because in D and E they have some issues even i invested there,i hope they will clear the issues very soon.
It's my honest opinion,my good wishes are with you ever.
...Thanks Saadi sb. For your suggestions. (Any reason to avoid Bahria 8)
...Thanks Nadeem sb. For your valuable advice.
1- I am myself oversees and I also invest in real estate here but the game is totally different in Pakistan. I will be entering the real estate market in Pakistan for the first time and at this point doing my due diligence. So i would prefer to be extra-cautious and play it safe.
2- I personally do not like the FILE game as I believe in Solid Long term Investment and not short term Speculation but after doing some in-depth research, I was convinced that the FILE game is OK if i play it in Bahria since they have a proven track record and its a BIG BRAND NAME now and it would simply not make any sense for Bahria to risk that. Any thoughts !!!
3- I prefer Bahria over DHA (both are great developers though). Its just that you always know that Bahria would deliver the product on time/no red-tape while in DHA sometimes you could be stuck for example i know people who have invested in DHA Valley- Overseas block and have been waiting for years with no status update. Any thoughts !!!
4- Can we say that B-17 is the Bahria Town of Zone 2, Islamabad? And that its a better investment than G-15 which also has a great location but poor standards/jammu kashmir society? Any thoughts !!!
Anybody welcome to share their thoughts and experiences. I am simply trying to learn and make informed decisions before i start investing.
Ammir sb its one own choice…Valley is the project of bahria not dha…Bahria is also late in deliverance in many projects…People trust dha and cda more due to involvement of govt and armed forces…My sincere advise,never ever jump in files business…Its simply a juaa…Bahria is in reverse gear now a days that is why i was asking you to avoid it but for 5 years its ok.G-15 has gained very much so i dont think it has great potential left…PLUS IT HAS THE DRAW BACK THAT YOU ARE AT THE DISPOSAL OF MANAGEMENT. BTW I HAVE MANY DEALS AT TABLE IN DHA AND YOU CAN CONTACT ME AT 03455370978 FOR BEST DEALS.
G-15 Possession plot and Multi File !
My suggestion would be to opt dha 2 for residence and multi for investment…
Top City
Based on all the feedback that I have received so far, I have decided to go for Possession Plots only (NO FILES game - very unpredictable).....Now I just have to decide the location for these 2 (35x70)plots. I am considering DHA II, Bahria 8, B17 (B block) possession ONLY.
a) Am I making the right decision? Any options that I have missed?
b) Can anybody give me a price idea in these localities? and an honest real estate agent's contact No. (lol if there is one)? c) Which 2 localities would you pick for the 2 plots (dha, bahria, multi)? and Is bahria better than DHA? d)Since the prices are going downwards, should i wait till they hit bottom maybe 6months?
@ AMIR SB…Sir for best deals at dha you can contact me at 03455370978…
Dha 2 all the way. Solid population base to draw from. Good developer. And commercial potential with the wtc being constructed. Eyes shut investment.