One kanal house in g9, g10 or f10?

What will be the price of one kanal house in g10, g9 or f10,

Looking forward for the experts valuable opinion….

I am waiting…… for the experts valuable opinions as I am planning to buy a kanal house in one of the above mentioned sectors.

Thank you very much in advance.

Zaki bhai G-9/10 were supposed to be middle class sectors. So most large plots are 14 marla (40x80) and price range is roughly Rs 3 crore to Rs 4.5 crore depending on age of house and location (Margalla Face is most expensive).

If you find any 1.2 kanal house for sale in G-9/10, its price will be around 6 crore depending on quality and location.

On the other hand, F-10 is an upscale sector, and here the prices are too high. Here 1 or 1.2 kanal house will range from 6/7 crore to 8/9 crore.

With this kind of money, I would much rather set up a small factory in Hattar and live on 5 kanal in Multi Orchards - instead of paying a premium to be seen as the top elite of Pakistan. But that's just me!

40x80 is not 14 marla its 12 marla !

You can find 1 kanal in G-10 more specific and strategic location in G-10 is G-10/2 and G-10/3 and again to be more pin point the location try on Ibn-e-Sina road the road bisecting F-10 and G-10.

The 1 kanal house could fall in the range of 5 - 7 crore.

For F-10 there are mostly bigger plots so location here does not matter as such.

To be more specific here instead of 1 kanal go for 666 sq/yards 1.2 kanal

Price tag would be around 8 - 12 crore depending on location.


IS-Base brother i think 40 by 80 is 14 marla not 12 marla. Please check again.

Dear @Pk1 and @ISBase

Thank you very much the valuable opinions, My maximum budget is around 4.5-5 crore, so what you will suggest in this budget as we checked few houses in bahria town, they were in the range of our budget infact they were below our budget but our family members think that bahria town is far away from main Islamabad sectors. And we should find some appropriate options in G9, G10, G11, F10 etc…

I am really thankful for your comments and suggestions.

Pk1.. What kind of factory would you set up in that case?

Btw just for info.. 40x80 is 14.22 marlas if you consider 1 marla = 225 sq feet. I think ISBase was referring to the old marla i.e 1 marla = 272.25 sq feet which makes 40X80 as 11.75 marlas.

Zaki bhai why don’t you go for a 40x80 or even 50x90 house in E-11/3.

Junaid Bhai,

What will be the price of 50x90 house in E-11/3

Bro just for the sake of MULTIORCHARDS you have suggestive them to setup a FACTORY,this is hilarious are you trying to befool the GOOFS

Zaki bhai the rates have increased nowadays but with a lot of luck and hard work, you should be able to find a 50x90 house in 50 million…

Zaki Bhai E-11 is not much cheaper than some areas of G-9/10. If you buy a dilapidated (khasta) house in G-9/10 at a good location, you can go for renovation with 50 lakhs if you do it smartly plus you can do it gradually as you earn. Shift inside the house (save rental) and use that money plus other resources to gradually do the renovation one floor at a time.

Junaid bhai ideally if Allah Subhaana wa Taala gives me the resources I would like to set up a factory for anything that can be used in house construction activity. For example paints. What do you think?

Dear Junaid Bhai,

I have been searching it since few days and let's hope i can find the best one.


thanks for the suggestion, I think if we couldn't find one in our budget we will go for ur suggested option.

Pk1 bhai.. Bauhat achi baat hai.. I am also interested in such a venture, maybe we could be partners if God wishes.. But paint wouldn't be a good thing to sell as we already have big names in the paint market.. How about making bricks/blocks or something that relates to steel on a small scale.. Waise house construction is also a good business..

Zaki bhai.. I pray that you do get a good deal.. Or else get a plot and make your own house in E-11. That would be ideal..

Junaid Bhai,

You mentioned that rates have increased nowadays,

What do you think, how much % have been increased compare to the same period last year (June, 2013).

Zaki bhai,

You can also consider G-15/F-15 being very near to main Islamabad approx 8 km from G-11 and that too in a straight path with Kashmir Highway expansion of 10 lanes being done and its been ready to use.

It takes hardly 10 minutes drive from G-15/F-15. The society has decent security plus markaz offering everything for routine life.

Just give a visit yourself to this area and then decide.

You can find a decent 1.2 kanal plot in the range 12 - 14 million rest of the money you can use for house construction.


Sorry to throw my hat into the ring. With a budget of 12-15 million, where can you get a one kanal plot ready to construct , closest to Isb and some decent development?. This excludes B17 as that is dependent on MA for access to isb.


Zaki, seems like your family left in 90’s and haven’t been back ever since. Lot has changed in the meantime and city has expanded and changed a great deal. To us, it is not the same Isloo anymore, so I would suggest you drop by with your family and get a fresh feel of the sectors before deciding where to settle. You can consider Bahria Enclave and DHA-II for own house construction.

Zafar sb,

B-17 dependant on MA and also consider travelling in night.

JKCHS is the reality not just speculation.

Ready to construct, 40% families already living and the ACCESS you already know.

And the upcoming President of the society is Mushtaq Minhas AAJ TV anchor and journalist and INSHALLAH he will raise the standards. Still G-15/F-15 is better in terms of development comparing G-13/14.

Just try to spare some time and give a visit yourself to all options and then decide.

1 kanal ready to build is around 10-12 million.


Thanks ISBase