New Islamabad Airport - Haji Camp Route Cancelled

Govt says good bye to Haji Camp route. Now 3 more options are under consideration. Project director has been also transferred. Top City in the lime light again.

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Good news for the TOP CITY, access to new Islamabad airport is going to be through TOP CITY, Haji camp route has been scrapped and project director has also been transferred.


Good news, can you support your statement by giving some evidence that's its happened?is it really authentic

If yes than whats the impact on market? Does prices increase and most importantly whats the development status?

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Brother, wait for few days, soon it will be confirmed. I came to know from a reliable source. Lets see.

Other members may also give their input if they have any knowledge.


That is true :)

Where are all my friends who always used to oppose Top City !!

What are current prices

Not cancelled

NHA advertised today Correction-II of invitations for bidding of road to new Islamabad airport.


Package-I: Road from Golra Chowk on KH to NIIA Main Link.

Package-II: Road from Golra Chawk to NIIA (Main Link)

Package-III: Road from Thalian on M-2 to NIIA (Link-1) and Periphery road.

I could not understand what exactly is Package-I and Packag-II. Can someone explain for forum members, if this means road via I-14 and Golra Morr GT ROad or is it via MW link road from Golra Chawk.

It is clear that Package-I and II starting from Golra Chawk not from M1 interchange. There is already a road from Golra chawk to haji camp, so either they have to use the same or construct a new road of 2KM + 800m.

Every thing clear now, no more Haji Camp route ... Access is through TOP CITY now :


Package-I: Road from Golra Chowk on KH to NIIA Main Link.

Package-II: Road from Golra Chawk to NIIA (Main Link)

Package-III: Road from Thalian on M-2 to NIIA (Link-1) and Periphery road.

Dear friends...aoa. Congrats to all the who have any interest in TOP CITY. This new alignment have made every thing clear. According to the new plan , the routes are likely to pass through TOP CITY, because it gives shortest access and is thus cost affective.

Every thing will be crystal clear once construction will start, but in any ways , in my personal opinion, TOP CITY prices are going to see a big jump in near future Insha ALLAH( u may mark my words).

All those who wana invest, its ideal time to invest in TOP CITY and Mumtaz City, but TOP CITY is better.

If it's true then Really good for TOP CITY investors,our good wishes and lot of prayers for TOP CITY project.


Mazhar sb why project director has been transferred and where ?

Ch Shahid has always given the most authentic information on threads about New Airport so far, and I expect the same from him. Top City investors desperately depend on KH & Link Roads and unfortunately, have nothing else to promote it.

From the add in Jang, it is very clear that the only amendment in this project is that the date of submission & opening of bids has been extended upto 30-Jun-2014.

Where is the news of Cancellation of the Haji Camp Route in this add?

It’s good time to fuel hopes for TC and smart investors can sell their plots to move forward.

This is abusive language and reported to adminstrator.

TOP CITY is a best investment and IA time will prove it. Rest the rotten eggs who wana malign any society are always there, so dont get mislead-ed by them.


Dear brothers, TOP CITY market IS HOT, prices have increased and upward trend is prevailing. My advice, hold ur plots and wait, as the best time is yet to come.

Smart investors are trying to pull the plots at less prices, they know the worth of it, so just hold ur plots as prime time of TOP CITY is coming.

Cheers :)

Dear All: Though I am in favor of the route to New Islamabad airport should be through TC as its economically good for my country. But I am so confused why people are creating misunderstand here by taking today’s add of NHA. This add is clearly about the new route which is through Haji Came and not through TC. Please dont misguide people but take in account that I will prayer for route through TC though I dont have plot there but is good for my country