We are buying a house. The seller is not trustable at all as he is turns out to be a sort of liar and tricky after biyanah process.
Now he told us that he has lost his property documents. Patwari has confirmed that there is no bank or other liability in his record.
As a precautionary measure and to avoid any other dispute, we wants to advertise in newspapers that we are buying this house and its property documents are lost. If anyone has any liability, please inform us by this date.
I need your help to write this advertisement (template). If any senior person can write below, i shall be thankful.
Thanks and regards,
Cases like that both patwaris and sellers are together to share the piece of cake.
If it is not too much loss, get out of it sir as lawsuit are headache for the life time.
If " Intiqal" is on "Fard" then in the AD, mention "Khasra" number "Khewat" and " Khatooni" ref apart from who is the owner of plot/house at right side/left side/front/back of you plot.
Get " Intiqal" number right after it is done with " parat sarkar" in " Tehsildar" office.
If it is just Registry then on the backside confirm Intiqal number before full payment.
I drafted the below template myself. I seek advise from senior people to correct /improve my laymen wording from legal point of view.
Thanks in advance----------
I (My name, Son of xyz, resident of xyz) am buying a hours from xyz (daughter of xyz, resident of xyz)
The xyz Marla house has xyz rooms, xyz kitchens, two baths, yard, Garage and all utility connections.
Its Khasrah no is xyz, Khewat no xyz, Khatoti no. Xyz situated in xyz.
The original documents of this house has been lost by seller. If anyone has any issue with this sale, please contact us with two weeks of this advertisement. After two weeks, no issue will be considered applicable. I can be contacted at xyz
This type of advertisement may not work if after a few months the genuine owner comes out and submit a case against. Then despite all your adds in the newspaper, I think you would still be in trouble. I don’t think advertisement is a legal document. Best is to keep away from this or confirm that the seller is 100% genuine.
No.This case is different. I have confirmed from PAtwari office that the house is registered with the seller.
Since seller has lost the registry so I am advertising to ensure that I am saved from a possible trouble: Some person come to us and says that he given loan on that registry document etc....
Can anyone please help me update this advertisement correctly as per legal requirements?
Dont buy if you dont have to.
Y do you even have to buy it when you know there is a headache ahead?
Yehi meri advice hey.
But we have paid byanah…We get to know after paying Byanah. There is no chance for return of Byanah.Thats the only way ahead
Hire any legal advisor and ask him to publish this ad from your side because such advertisement is considered as a legal notice and it should be from authority concerned.
Sir ur ad will serve no purpose.
When some one lost property papers, he has to get a duplicate copy/permission letter( if selling immediately) before transfer ( registry dup copy from registrar office in ur case).
It is bit lengthy process
Owner apply for it in relevant office and submit application along with FIR, add in national daily for lost and after many formalities. Relevant state office issues a copy after ad in newspaper for no objection from any body on it in 15 days notice period. If someone made a objection, case will be deffered (for yrs some time). If all done smoothly, state office issues a permission letter for such transfers or provide a duplicate copy of registry/transfer later.
During all these steps, u need favour of owner if you spend money for such letters and if he denied or some other interrupted,u wl get nothing. Better get ur bayana back or proceed with consult of lawyer. Hasham logic is valid as it is legal notice and in next step u hv to get a stay from court for not transfer of this plot to any body else as seller made a agreement with you (again u hv to prove he made agreement with u first and prove of payment I.e bank transactions, stamp paper etc).
I asked you don't do any thing urself, hire a lawyer, these people are expert.
Don't waist ur time and energies and ours as well.
Best to get back your original biayana amount if you can, and walk away from the deal. Stay away from lawyers, litigation or courts as much as you can. They are useless blood sucking leaches, and at the end all you will get is stress, hassle and bills. Nothing else.
I had a similar issue myself. Seller took my biana, and then actually started constructing his house without informing me. I was in for a surprise when I returned to complete the deal. I think he was using my biana money for his house construction... Had to use a a lot of hard force to get my original back.
Lot of people these days are using such tactics to trap buyers. They collect biana and then refuse to complete the deal. If buyer is strong, they test him out and then drag it on for a bit. If not , then tata bye bye, that's the last you will see of your money. Basically it is jungle ka qanoon, might is right.
As I've mentioned elsewhere in one of my post, don't trust any property papers in Pakistan. They are worth the piece of paper they are written on. Only buy/sell from people you know and trust. And that goes for DHA as well, because scammers are using lots of innovative schemes to trap buyers, and sellers. Assume everyone, no matter how much sincere they appear to be, are there to rob you off.
Please check my relevant reply which I posted as last post of the below thread.