Does someone have any idea what is this marketing hype by Mumtaz City aik aur khuskabri?
Dear Waqar saab,
Can you elaborate on your Mumtaz City hype discussion?
I think they maybe advertising due to possession announcement is round the corner.
Possession is expected in Chenab block, which is expected later on this week towards 28-29th Dec.
What marketing hype? can you elaborate of what mumtaz city has done?
maybe due to giving possession at the end of this week?
Dear Waqas, this ad relates to possession announcement in Chennab Block of MC.
Yes they announced in today jung about handing over posession in chinab block this was the khushkhubri
Cheers Ibrahim Sb.
Giving away possession on 29th of December 2013.
Nasir Sb, do u own plot in MC at the moment?