MPCHS Or Other Islamabad Societies Are Safe Interms Of Plot Duplication

MPCHS or other Islamabad societies are safe interns of plot duplication or any other fraud?

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Bro exceptional cases may arise. But it is advised to check the proper documentation and confirm it from the sources before funnelling you money.

Rest ALLAH knows better, what is fake and what is real. Stay blessed !!! regards, z@in N@deem

I mean is there any chance of fraud or plot duplication one plot sold to more then one party or a fake file is this is possible as we have seen plots are transfered in society offices, is this is possible or experts think that in islamabad plot transections are safe ?

Dear Amir currently there is no issues like u mentioned. If u r transferring ur plot in society office in front of estate office then its safe as he is responsible to check all the relevant documents but just talking about big brands like mpchs jkchs cdechs bahria dha cant say any thing about x y z societies like rp etc

No, in MPCHS, Barhia, DHA, CDA, FHEHF such a thing never happens, exceptions are there, such as we witnessed some cases in CDA only in the past, but the system in these societies is too strong so it the verification process. But one should check the file/plot from the society office that is their any litication, bank loan or court case on the plot which you are going to purchase, if not, then the plot is clear.