Minimum Time To Build One Bedroom With Attached Bath On Already Constructed

Dear all

I want to add one bedroom to our already constructed house in karachi. The room will be built on our roof top. I want to know how much time does it take to build it. Size is: Bedroom: 12x12 Bathroom: 6x6 Kitchen: 6x6


Sajid bhai, please contact the Meyaar Builders to get your question properly answered.


It depends on the no of masons that you are hiring. If you understand the term 'Theka', then give this project on 'theka' because under this contract the masons try to complete the work as earlier as possible. Do not go for the daily wage of workers because that way they try to exceed the work to more the required days.

Regards, z@in N@deem.

I would also recommend that put the project on theka but ensure that the building material is provided by you because you never know what they might be using to save money to themselves.

Ok thanks a lot. So suppose if i give this to a contractor then will this possibly be built in lets say 2 months?

I think max. 1 month is enough ... Construction of 1 bed+bathroom should not take too much time ... And this estimate is based on overall analysis (including weather conditions).

And in my opinion it would be better to hire few labors with one or two raj mazdoors (builders) and buy quality material yourself. You can manage it very easily within your budget.

45 Days minimum if you could manage non stop work and arrange material for labour without delay. For all type of work trained labour is difficult to find particularly for small work. Bricks work or blocks work (Chunai) Door level (up to 7 or 8) feet minimum 2 days. Shutring & steel work at door level 1 day. Beem filling at door level 1 day. Brick work after door level up to 10 or 11 feet 1 day. Shutring on roof 1 day. Steel work 1 day Electrician work 1 day. Filling of slab 1 day. Wait for opening of slab standard 15 days (10 days minimum). Electric work 1 day. Plumber work 2 days. Plaster work 2 days. Tiles work in bath 1 day. Fittings of bath 1 day. Flooring 2 days. Flooring on roof top 1 day If u order in start ready made Kitchen Cabinets doors windows etc 1 day. Electric work 1 day. Paint work 2 days.

In rural areas people can make one room kitchen and bath in 10 days they use T Irons and bricks in roof and labour readily available for work.

Post after construction in how much time u done this work. Regards

Mian Nadeem

2 months max is required…

2 months max are required for this…