Million Dollar Question $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

As everyone knows that market is slow now and prices are bit down but the million dollar question is:

Is it right time to invest money in property or one should wait little bit more? How do property gurus forecast the trend in next 6 months lets say.

My main interest is in CDA sectors D-12, E-12, G-13 and I-16.

G-13 and g-14/4 can increase.Rest i dont see any noticable appreciation.

That is not the answer to my question Saadi ...

Is it right time or we should wait more?

Sheikh sb obviously who would not like to invest at the place where appreciation is likely in coming months..Indirectly my answer was that if you have some good amount to invest only go for g-13,g-14/4 and i think its the right time because market is slow and a good deal can be grabbed...

PS:Is my opinion.Results can be different so invest at your own risk =)

It is not high time.

Agreed with Saadi bro G 13 and G 14/4 have good potential but million dollar question is when ? After six months? I don’t think so. There are so many factors hindering growth of real estate market. And these factors seems prevailing in up coming months say six months or so so wait and see and don’t jump in and stuck. It’s my view any body can disagree.

@ ap cake…Sir passed this statement in the light of kashmir highway factor plus cda planned to make the highway 10 lane from golra mor to gt road plus a fly over at golra.These factor can give a good boost.On the other hand if works starts on 10 lane express way it may also give boost zone 5 societies.

Political uncertainty is at peak now. …1st week of September will be the right time to decide. …

SO that means we should wait little more before making any move ...

What will happen if PML-N govt really goes home (As per Tahir ul Qadri sahab) ? Then the prices should decrease, isnt it ?

If some one has money in pocket ,he must invest it right now, useless to wait for the spoil to garland you,,but all at your own risk and your own responsibility.

If you think instability and political heat is discouraging the investors , and will further reduce the prices, i don't think so.

If you want to invest for the long term, then short term fluctuations don’t matter so much. Nobody has a crystal ball to predict the future, unless you happen to be such a big player that you can manipulate the market.

October mein halaat behtar ho jaein gey aur ye dharna sharna bhi kum ho jaey ga inshaAllah.

I think its always good to buy on steady prices. And so is the trend for many months.

Let this political puppet show over and u can make a move.

Market is much more stabilized now so in general, gains will be decent not extra-ordinary.