Sir i just came from UK. I visited new Islamabad airport site. I , as a civil engineer astonished that no main link road has been constructed so far.Prior to start construction at mega project,it is first and top most priority to construct road infra structure. I think main link road to new Benazir airport should have been constructed in 2008/2009. Some of very close relative told me that Malik Riaz /brothers of Gen. Kyani , Almaas Bobby, of Pak army are behind this. Shame for all of you, NHA officers
That is a shame.
Appreciate the contribution and your viewpoint shaafy saab but don’t spam the forum. You’ve posted the same post in 4 threads!
Kia kaha jaey. I had heard about Kyani brothers involvement in various scams.
:) i am surprised that road is the only thing that bothered you..... Btw thanks alot for the visit from UK!
Faizan sb. Shaafy sb. Is right this mega project was started in 2007, its approach road was to be constructed first. Yes, Bahria connection in delaying this project can not be ignored. I have very confirmed reports that Cargo service of NBBIA was delayed by Malik Riaz. Because Construction of Road network/ Start of Cargo Service would divert investment from ZoneIV to ZoneII. Bhai sb. Aakhir paisay mein bari Taaqat hey
Ali saab is right. This was one of my concerns of what will happen to zone v when all investors are pouring in money into zone 2 and b-17. People thought that dha and bahria have built their rep so they would not be affected but I think even they know reality that this would affect them as the development standards in jkchs and multi cannot be ignored, not to mention old investors are put off with the politics that surround them with nocs by cda, valley shenanigans. So of course they will try their up most best to stop money coming into zone 2!
It is a possibility. Malik riaz is a huge manipulator. But in any case location of Jkchs is unbeatable and that's something no one can do anything about. No matter how good bahria is being developed, its location is a turnoff. Living cost and traveling time and cost to bahria is unbearable for me atleast.
Somehow i am looking forward to bahria town in Peshawar!
I agree faizan, cost of living in bahria is very very expensive. Its a rich mans place to live especially with the maintenance charges! we will have to wait and see what happens.